Business Health Assessment
“SEEBA is highly able to provide proper insight and recommendations, especially to tax administrations. I believe that they could be of great help for small organizations that have a similar capacity and need.”
Skatteverket, or The Swedish Tax Agency, is a government institution responsible for tax collection, population and estate records register, and also acts as a creditor for the state. The Agency collaborates with many actors in society to better meet the needs of citizens, companies and others affected by their operations, through around a hundred locations in the country.
The mission of Skatteverket is “Together we make society possible” and therefore a good collaboration in a digital and global world is essential to carry it out. In all of its collaboration, the institution follows the common state values as it is a part of the Swedish Tax Agency’s strategic direction.
Skatteverket is involved in supporting tax institutions around the world by sharing their experience and knowledge, among which is the Bosnian tax administrations in the last couple of years with support from the Swedish International Development Agency. The project run by SEEBA was directed towards the transformation of Brcko Distrikt Tax Authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including vision, Digital Roadmap and IT Strategy.
With the general drive for change in the institution, there was a need to build capacity in the shape of skills, knowledge, project execution and procurement. The biggest challenge was to build new infrastructure and strengthen the overall IT environment.
As Tax Authority is a traditional institution, there was a great challenge in initiating the change in mindset when it comes to digital operations. As the majority of people are seniors, our task was to help them understand the benefits of digitalising their systems and applications which was crucial for taking the Brcko Distrikt Tax Administration to the next level.
As Brčko Distrikt Tax Administration is a unique institution, it was in need of unique cost-efficient fast-to-market solutions. We proposed an agile approach towards the development of the organisation and capacity building. By conducting a change assessment based on a Triple-A Analysis, we managed to identify the likelihood of generating positive results.
As a part of our solution, we’ve assessed the IT environment, analysing the infrastructure, application, workplace and security within the institution and proposed the relevant solution. An additional outcome was a Digital Roadmap for a digital transformation, mandatory for ensuring the continuity and stability of the Tax Administration.
The tangible outcome was a detailed health assessment focused on the change and the IT environment of the institution, including its vision, mission, organisational chart and roadmaps for change. It serves as a basis for both quick short-term fixes and long-term plans for the institution’s development in terms of infrastructure and digitalisation. The Administration has chosen a structured way forward, using the SEEBA methodology to identify, prioritise, implement and follow up.
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