Technology Services - Driven by business results | SEEBA


Driven by Business Outcomes


Our Technology services come as a result of business intentions as they are designed to address the specific challenges identified within your organisation. We create, design and develop custom-made solutions for each client separately. However, some things are common for every technical undertaking. To understand the process, have a look at our Digital Pyramid:

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Tools & Connectivity

Your journey starts from Digitisation which you can observe as the construction phase. Here you create tools, collect data and transform analog processes with an aim of making them more efficient and digitally accessible or feasible.

Business Processes

Next, you set goals and map out the path you want to take, defining the value you want to generate in the near future. Once you have done that, you need to look for ways to improve the current way of operating, how to implement the new features and enhance your product or service. We call this stage Digitalisation.

Value Proposition

Lastly, and most importantly is your complete Digital Transformation. At this stage, your focus is on your business model and a hybridisation. By setting these up, you’ll work on optimising the revenue generation, strategies and getting everyone aboard. This is where you earn money.

At SEEBA, technology is considered only as an enabler for business outcomes and that’s how we treat it. Once the tools have been developed, we take care of management and maintenance to ensure the continuity of the product development and the uptime of the service.


Tools & Connectivity

To retain and increase its efficiency, every business needs to have good transparency of activities across its departments, especially among Management, Marketing and Sales departments. Yet it is rarely attainable without the help of digital tools, regardless of the business size.

The key to a successful and effective business is to have a full control over your digital ecosystem, and the way to achieve that is by assessing all digital tools at the level of organization. Digital Tools Assessment will help you measure the effectiveness, consolidate your tech, decrease costs and reduce redundant resources.

Our goal is to allow your company to focus its efforts on facilitating business value by removing all wasteful, inefficient, and outdated processes. We teach you how to use your tools and how to easily adapt their features to run your best performance.

Our approach

Analyse and evaluate the current digital condition

Having full control over your digital tools is the primary step in running your business effectively. The only right way to build a strong and healthy digital ecosystem is in performing a periodical assessment of it. The goal is to understand if investments are being justified and if a certain technology is a right choice for the problem you are trying to address.

Identify issues and find optimal solutions

After a deep dive into your tools and their effectiveness, we find the best ways too make your investments successful. We help you understand what to add, remove, or consolidate. Consolidation of digital tools can help to streamline operations, reduce complexity, and provide efficiencies that enable better collaboration across departments with a more seamless workflow

Integrate tools and transform processes

The appropriate technology will allow you to trace and store your data and control your processes in a structured and effective way. Still, just buying and implementing the solution won’t be enough. We take care of mapping, understanding, optimising, and designing processes with the goal of making them more digitally feasible while increasing your efficiency.

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Business Processes

Constant growth and innovation in the markets mean the constant growth of the number of available solutions. What is essential is to recognise which drift your company needs to follow in the sea of all that.

SEEBA helps you see the bigger picture and take a step back to identify and understand your actual business challenges. We help you choose the right approach and lead you through its implementation while developing the appropriate tools and means of achieving your desired outcomes. A business first, technology after process.

Our approach


The business first approach allows you to oversee all internal and external factors that influence your business. Before we start mapping features, functions and tools to use, we need to map and understand your current business state and where you want to be in the future. Depending on the given outcome, we create a clear picture of what needs to be built.


Whether it is a standardised or a fully custom solution, we’ll adapt it to your business appropriately. It can be a platform, automation, or an integration process. The project’s complexity will be up to you, whether you wish to be involved in every specific detail or want us to take full responsibility and make sure that you get a “turn-key ready” solution.


Your solution will be dependent on third-party tools and systems to run correctly and provide a great user experience. Deciding what and when to implement, often becomes costly and complex due to lack of knowledge and experience. We take this responsibility so that you can be smart with your resources and focus on your core business instead.

We are truly a Business Partner, not just a fast solution provider.

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Value Proposition

What and how you speak to your customers will determine how well your business will run. Deciding on which practices, strategy and technology you’re going to use is the key step in ensuring your long-run performance. Hence following and adapting digital trends plays an important role in staying competitive and keeping the desired level of interest among your current and potential customers. There are several ways to use technology for your business transformation.

To help you find the best way, we provide knowledge, experience and resources, encouraging you to take your business to the next level.

Our approach

The digitalisation of the existing product or a process

By digitising an already existing product or process, you facilitate the connection of products, processes, services and systems through digital technologies. This enables you to increase efficiency and results in different business areas. By recognising how you can adapt your business model to current and future trends, we ensure that you stay competitive and attention-worthy.

New digital products and processes

Innovation is one of the biggest challenges nowadays and is highly involved with competitiveness. To help you come up with and deliver new ideas, we design completely new and innovative solutions that will best suit your business. This transformation refers to the product or service itself, the delivery method, value proposition, a business model, or their combinations.

What we do

We assess your current situation and help you set clear and attainable business goals. After defining the business objectives, we map out features of your future Digital Product. Our experts work closely together not only to design and build solutions but to take care of maintaining, developing and introducing continuous improvement and innovations.

Whichever journey you choose for your business, SEEBA is ready to offer you guidance, full support and long-lasting partnership.

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Creation Process

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Research and Analysis

This is a first step in our technology projects in order to identify the use cases and user behaviours, which is then used as an input for prototyping and design work.
UX (user experience) research is the systematic study of target users and their requirements, to add realistic contexts and insights to design processes. UX researchers adopt various methods to uncover problems and design opportunities. Doing so, they reveal valuable information which can be fed into the design process.



Prototyping is used as first experiment stage in the product development process; the first chance to show your concept to users. Prototypes come in many different forms but each one is created to test the underlying design concept. User reactions are then used to guide the next phase of development. We use most relevant interactive tools to showcase prototypes to receive feedback and before we kick-of development process. In this way we avoid misunderstandings and reduce costs.


Development and Testing

This phase is really about hard-coding what has been set-up in the prototype. Before we do that we setup sprints and allocate the work to resources. We strictly follow agile methodology and use relevant tools to efficiently follow progress. Natural of the process is quality assurance, which includes product testing. When we are happy with the result, we let customer do the final tests (UAT), and if everything is as agreed we proceed to launch.


Maintenance and Innovation

Digital product development is an iterative and continuous process. You need to design a roadmap for further development and maintenance of the product. We can build your product and manage it, or we can take already existing products/services under our management and maintenance. With standardised processes in place, we will make sure that your product complies with agreed SLA. On top of this, we apply several tiers of security to keep your product safe and secured.


Research and Analysis

This is a first step in our technology projects in order to identify the use cases and user behaviours, which is then used as an input for prototyping and design work.
UX (user experience) research is the systematic study of target users and their requirements, to add realistic contexts and insights to design processes. UX researchers adopt various methods to uncover problems and design opportunities. Doing so, they reveal valuable information which can be fed into the design process.



Prototyping is used as first experiment stage in the product development process; the first chance to show your concept to users. Prototypes come in many different forms but each one is created to test the underlying design concept. User reactions are then used to guide the next phase of development. We use most relevant interactive tools to showcase prototypes to receive feedback and before we kick-of development process. In this way we avoid misunderstandings and reduce costs.


Development and Testing

This phase is really about hard-coding what has been set-up in the prototype. Before we do that we setup sprints and allocate the work to resources. We strictly follow agile methodology and use relevant tools to efficiently follow progress. Natural of the process is quality assurance, which includes product testing. When we are happy with the result, we let customer do the final tests (UAT), and if everything is as agreed we proceed to launch.


Maintenance and Innovation

Digital product development is an iterative and continuous process. You need to design a roadmap for further development and maintenance of the product. We can build your product and manage it, or we can take already existing products/services under our management and maintenance. With standardised processes in place, we will make sure that your product complies with agreed SLA. On top of this, we apply several tiers of security to keep your product safe and secured.

See how we’ve helped companies with our services:


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