May 21, 2024

Mljekara Puđa – Compete Forward strategy development

Case Study: Mljekara Puđa’s Strategic Development


Mljekara Puđa, (Eko Cheese Puđa) a family-owned business renowned for producing Livanski sir or Livanski Cheese, a stapl of Bosnia and Hertzegovina, has steadily grown from its humble beginnings. With a diverse range of hard and soft cheeses, Mljekara Puđa has secured a prominent place in general supermarkets and similar stores across the region. As the company sought to expand its operations and develop its own ERP software, it participated in the CompeteForward program to enhance its business strategies and operations. This case study explores how the CompeteForward program has facilitated Mljekara Puđa’s journey towards sustainable business development and improved competitive positioning.

The Challenge

Mljekara Puđa, like many SMEs, faced challenges in strategic planning, resource management, and marketing. The company needed a structured approach to optimize its human resources management (HRM) and marketing strategies, and to ensure sustainable growth while expanding its corporate network and developing new technologies.

The Solution

The CompeteForward Program, implemented by SEEBA and funded under the “Challenge to Change 3.0” by Sweden, along with partners SERDA and EDA, provided Mljekara Puđa with comprehensive support. The program focuses on digital innovation, internationalization, and sustainable practices to enhance the growth and competitiveness of selected SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Business Health Assessment: Utilizing the innovative SEEBA BizEngine software, CompeteForward conducted a thorough analysis of Mljekara Puđa’s business health. This assessment covered critical areas such as HR management, marketing, strategic planning, operational management, financial performance, and technology usage. The detailed insights gained from this analysis formed the foundation for developing tailored strategies.

Comprehensive Analysis and Strategic Guidance: The program provided Mljekara Puđa with an extensive report that included a GAP analysis, SWOT analysis, and detailed guidelines for further business development aimed at sustainable growth. The focus was primarily on enhancing HR management and marketing activities. This comprehensive analysis helped the management team to identify areas for improvement and develop a strategic plan for the company’s future.


The impact of the CompeteForward program on Mljekara Puđa has been significant. Tomislav Puđa, the company’s director, shared the following feedback: “The support and expertise provided by the CompeteForward team have been instrumental in helping us identify key areas for improvement in our HR and marketing strategies. The detailed analyses and strategic guidelines provided a clear roadmap for sustainable growth and enhanced our competitive edge.”

Key achievements included:

  • Improved HR Management: The program helped Mljekara Puđa to develop more effective HR practices, enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.
  • Enhanced Marketing Strategy: The comprehensive marketing and communications strategy outlined by CompeteForward allowed Mljekara Puđa to better position its products in the market and increase brand visibility.
  • Strategic Roadmap: The tailored roadmap provided clear guidance on how to implement the recommended strategies, ensuring a structured approach to achieving long-term business goals.


Mljekara Puđa’s experience with the CompeteForward program highlights the transformative power of a comprehensive, integrated approach to business consulting and digital innovation. By addressing both business and technological aspects, CompeteForward has empowered Mljekara Puđa to enhance its competitive edge, achieve sustainable growth, and navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape. This case study underscores the value of strategic reflection and tailored support in driving the success of SMEs.

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